Greenfield Steel Stamp-Markrite-New York Stencil Works

Hand Stamps
Sometime around 1920 the New York Stencil Works moved in to the Newell Snow mill site. They made various types of Steel Stamps for marking products with company names and logos etc. The company changed hands and was renamed Greenfield Steel Stamp Company and operated well in to the 1990's. The product most associated with GSS were the standard Letter / Number hand stamps used to serialize and identify all kinds of products. The museum houses in its collection documents and artifacts relating to the design and manufacturing processes related to these products. These artifacts demonstrate that it must have taked high levels of imagination, design, artwork and innovative processes to make these products. This industry also spawned related companies like MARTIN MACHINE COMPANY which produced machines that mechanized the stamping process. The decendants of these stamp companies like VSS still operated here in Greenfield.
At one time steel stamps were completely hand made. Hand Cutting Steel Stamps
Defense Work
Also during WWII GSS made concave rolling die stamps for marking firearm barrels and other weapons. These were used in THE MARTIN MARKING MACHINE.