Our Film Library

Here are our own videos rendered directly from vintage 16mm movie prints! Many thousands of information and instructional movies were made during the 20th century. Sadly, fewer survive each year and most of us no longer have access to the projection equipment capable of showing them.
These films either represent events of industrial history, in our area, or are tutorials on the skills required in the industries which were important to our community.
Each frame of movie film has been copied, in high resolution, and processed to the best possible quality. Each film has been sharpened for clarity, digitally cleaned to remove most dust and scratches, and color restored wherever possible! All are available in full 1080p HD video!
Machine Shop Bench Work
No.2 Straddle and Surface Milling
October 1941
Caravel Films. Demonstrates advanced techniques and workmanship for shaping metal into machine parts with precision tolerances.
Machine Shop Bench Work
Working With Taps & Dies
This American 1942 wartime film instructs the viewer in the methods of using tap and die thread cutting tools. Today we are enabled by the marvelous tools of automation and other computer based technology. This allows us to be more productive and provides us with new possibilities. Despite this fact, many things remain the same throughout time. Our physical world and the human methods of problem solving and understanding are not likely to ever change. This film is a good lesson in understanding the materials we work with and getting a job done properly.
Threading Time
The Story of Die Heads and Taps
This 1967 film promotes the Geometric Tool Division technology. Unfortunately, color film from the 60s often used a cheap color process which faded easily with time. The color in this film was almost gone at transfer time. We apologize for the imperfect color and contrast.
Geometric Tool Company, of New Haven CT, was a subsidiary of Greenfield Tap & Die in the 1950s. GTD merged with United Tool and Drill Corporation, of Cleveland OH, in 1958.
These combined companies became part of TRW (Thompson Ramo Wooldridge Corporation) in 1963.
Reaming With Taper Hand Reamers
A World War 2 era training film on machinist technique with hand reamers, this resouce covers the topic of how to use a tapered hand reamer. Taper pins are used to hold shafts and collars together while allowing for disassembly or used as dowel pins for aligning assemblies. Topics include the taper hand reamer numbering system, selecting and drilling pilot holes and how to use a hand taper reamer to make the proper sized hole for a taper pin.
Cutting Keyways
Another World War 2 era training film, Cutting Keyways focuses on specialized machinist techniques using the horizontal mill.
The feed and speed section is something a lot of people look for – because most of the charts are set up for skinny round milling cutters, not those big side-milling cutters. A metal working industrial tutorial on how to cut keyways with a horizontal milling machine. Keyways are used for locking gears to shafts, so they are not able to turn independently from each other under load.
Millers Falls Tool Company Tour
This 1943 film was shot entirely by the folks of the Millers Falls Tool Co. plant at “Erving Side”. It is hosted by local historians Ed Gregory and Richard Shortell. Together, they provide an excellent narrative of the technology and community surrounding this rare film.
GTD - Facts About Taps and Tapping
This Greenfield Tap & Die Corporation film introduces the viewer to the engineering and proper use of the tools which make modern screw threads. Our world of machines and interchangeable parts would be impossible, without taps & dies.
GTD and The Jam Handy Organization produced this film late in 1952, yet all of the information presented is still important for a modern machinist to understand.
This colorful film is both entertaining, technical, and presented in a manner which is easy to follow.
Facts about Self-Opening Die Heads and Collapsing Taps
A 1954 Jam Handy Organization film!
This video demonstrates the amazing technology of The Geometric Tool Company. They were a subsidiary of Greenfield Tap and Die Corp., of Greenfield MA at the time this film was made.
A Heart for Yankee
“A Heart for Yankee” celebrates the start-up of the Yankee-Rowe nuclear power station in Rowe, Massachusetts in 1960. The film includes rare views of the plant, under construction, and then goes into detail how the reactor core was made. American technology of the early 1960s is on full display!
The Steel Rule
This 1941 film, produced by the Loucks & Norling Studios. The first film of the series “MEASUREMENT in the METALWORKING INDUSTRY”. This simple tool is essential to industry, engineering, and many other subjects of our physical world. If you think you already know how to use a “ruler”, you might be surprised when watching this film!
The Micrometer
This 1941 film, produced by the Loucks & Norling Studios, and is the second part of the series “MEASUREMENT in the METALWORKING INDUSTRY”. The micrometer endures as a critical instrument of measurement in industry and engineering. This film provides an excellent introduction on the description and proper use of this important tool.
This 1941 film, produced by the Loucks & Norling Studios, #4 from the series “MEASUREMENT in the METALWORKING INDUSTRY”. This digital restoration is the last example of the series, held in our collection.
It will explain and demonstrate the lesser known vernier scale and how it is used to measure objects with accuracies to less than one thousandth of an inch.
Drilling, Boring, and Reading Work Held in Chuck
This wartime era film introduces the viewer to some basic machine shop practice using a lathe. The concepts are explained by using both animation as well as actual demonstration.
Our Industrial Heritage
Watch our introductory video. We describe our community and how it came to prosper by becoming a leader in American Industrial technology. Much thanks to Scott MacPherson and Greenfield Community Cable Television!
Wiley Russell Virtual Fly Around
Step back in time for a virtual view of The Wiley & Russell Mfg. Co. with this fly-around animation of the site as it may have appeared in 1897.
Read the full story at Virtual Reality Project
The Proximity Fuse - Secret Weapon of WWII
During World War 2, a classified production plant was established at the Lunt Silversmith facility by Raytheon.
The employees were never explained the purpose of their work until many years later, when the project was finally declassified. Learn this secret purpose and then visit us to view the actual product of this classified project!
Homefront Heros:
Meeting the Manufacturing Demands of World War II
Women and the elderly took the places of the American worker, while they were off fighting World War II. Learn how they faced the challenge and what surprises occurred while we struggled to survive humanity’s largest conflict. In the Greenfield region 30% of the workforce was engaged in defense related industries. 7000 highly skilled workers worked in the plants and so critical were these positions that many people got automatic deferrments from the military.
Threadwell Tap and Die:
Friends and Family in World War II
Threadwell Tap and Die was one of Greenfield’s “Homefront Heros” during World War II.
This tiny movie showcases its employees during wartime.
Welcome To Our Museum
This short video is a brief overview of our museum and the materials that we have preserved and archived.
Who We Are:
An Animated Slideshow
Text explanations and photos of modern activities are interlaced with archival images in this eight-minute film to provide an overview of who we are, what we do, and what visitors can expect.